The Reverend Barbara A. Cousar, Pastor
Anita Motley / Administrative Assistant
I have been an Administrative Assistant with the United Methodist Church for 16 years. During this time I have “worn many hats.” I love what I do and am privileged to be a part of the Trinity United Methodist Church family.
I reside in Chatham, Virginia with my husband of 23 years. I have two children, two step-children, and enjoy being “NeeNee” to my six grandchildren: Lillie, Garrett, Laura, Colby, Izabella and Caleb.
Along with loving my grandchildren and spending time with my family, I enjoy reading, cooking and being there for others.
Something you may not know about me – my favorite color is yellow, my favorite flower is an iris and I love baseball.
Tara Ferris / Childcare Director
I have worked for Trinity since May 2012. I first felt my call into ministry at the age of 13, my home church was going through “The 40 Days of Purpose” book by Rick Warren. While going through this 40 day challenge I knew that God was calling me into ministry as a vocation.
As the Childcare Director I have the opportunity to help live out our UMC’s Mission Statement, which is “To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” While I help and oversee and all the ministries of our church, I specifically lead our Youth and Young Adult ministries.
Something you may not know about me: I have a deep love for the Backstreet Boys, Wrestling, and the Washington Redskins.